Trust: Found & Returned


As I emerge from the depths of the Hineini 4-Day Breathwork experience, I want to be able to distill a dose of my internal reality into words. Words that hopefully land one human to another.

It's easy for me to lose myself in the labyrinth of doubts and thoughts that often plague the mind. Though with  commitment, labor, and connection, there lies a beacon of clarity waiting to be discovered, always. The ‘Ani’ that is within the ‘Modeh Ani’ is always within our fingertips.

In the crucible of a workshop, there exists a collective wisdom that transcends roles – even the facilitator finds themselves a student of their own being. It's a space where courage, vulnerability, and acceptance pave the path to trust and surrender. I found on these 4 days that if I allow, through being open with vulnerability and holding it , I can trust myself deeper than ever before.

Fear of vulnerability breeds distrust, embrace of vulnerability forges trust.

In the quiet recesses of my own being, if I am patient enough to listen, the essence of the "I" unveils itself amidst the ebb and flow of existence. Delving into vulnerability and embracing whatever unfolds allows me to anchor myself in an internal baseline, unraveling the threads of wholeness and revealing the essence of "I" cloaked within my name. If I allow, I can be.

From this space of revelation springs forth the power of choice, as I navigate the labyrinth of self-discovery. Each twist and turn, a note in the symphony of my existence, as I realize that "I" can be the observer amidst the maze of my own being. The “I” is never too far.

From this newfound perspective, affirmations become affirming ways to stay connected – reminders that bring "me" back to "I" without soaring too close to the sun. To rely on the "I" to guide "me" home. Using words to walk myself into freedom.

First: "I am stopping the negative thought pattern."

With each breath, I seize control of the cognitive carousel, silencing discordant noise and inviting harmonious silence. Permission granted to pause, to stop, to step out of the patterns of thought. My ‘I’ is empowered to stop the negative thought pattern.

Second: "I am moving to a better state."

With each inhale, each step, I journey towards growth, towards evolution. I may not be where I want to be, but I am not where I was – and that, in itself, is progress.

Third: "I acknowledge my emotions, I feel ____."

In the vast ocean of life, emotions are the waves that carry me. I acknowledge, I witness, I feel – for the "I" exists amidst the tumultuous seas of feeling.

Fourth: "I can be there for myself, so I can be there for others."

Only by nurturing my own heart can I extend compassion to others. I must remove my own mask before I can truly connect with another soul.

Fifth: “I own myself.”

My life, my choices, my destiny – all within my humble hands. With integrity and authenticity as my guiding stars, I navigate the twists and turns of existence, knowing that I am the captain of my ship. It’s my choice to live my life.

These five statements, repeated five times a day, serve as anchors in the stormy seas of life. They remind me that within the depths of my being lies an unwavering trust – a trust that is built over time, with patience and perseverance.

So, fellow humans, let us remember: Hineini is always only just a breath away.

With gratitude and humility,

-Moshe Haim

P.S. Trust is a journey, not a destination. Be patient, dear ones.

P.P.S. Thank you sincerely to the creativity of others that helps me find my way. You’re cherished.

Moe Srour

Moe Srour is a dedicated personal growth coach and breathwork facilitator, passionately committed to empowering individuals on their journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. With a deep belief in the transformative power of self-awareness and authenticity, Moe guides clients through immersive workshops, coaching sessions, and breathwork practices designed to unlock their full potential. His approach combines introspection, emotional release, and mindfulness to help individuals rewrite their life stories, overcome personal limitations, and embrace a life of clarity, healing, and gratitude. Moe's work creates a supportive community for those seeking personal growth, self-improvement, and a deeper connection with their true selves.


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