Exploring the Journey: Insights and Shadows While Crafting My Website

Greetings everyone!

Wow! BH! !

שהחיינו MY website - or at least a website with my name on it.

This is going to be an interesting ride, welcome to space where I get to park some of my thoughts, ideas, and expressions. I’m excited to see what emerges!

Feedback is most definitely welcome and encouraged .

I'm thrilled to share my journey of crafting a digital space that reflects my work, ideals, and the sacred missions I've dedicated almost half my life to.

Building my website, in many ways, was an expedition into the realm of self-reflection and growth in a more expansive way than what I’m ordinarily used to. To express in a wider arena, while simultaneously maintaining the sense of integrity to my own thoughts and voice.

Through this process, I stumbled upon invaluable lessons and came face-to-face with some shadows that nudged me to dive deeper into my own understanding. Clearly these shadows aren’t new though I find that teaching by way of personal example happens to be incredibly humanizing for my critical mind and hopefully brings a grin or smile.

Here are three pivotal and simple lessons I encountered along this path.

Lessons Learned:

Clarity is in the details:

One of the first lessons I embraced was the importance of clarity. I wanted to be clear and direct. Crafting each word, image, and segment of the website required a deep dive into expressing a part of my essence (it also came with a bunch of help). I discovered that true clarity isn't only about the explicit, but also the implicit. Balancing the profound and the clear became an ongoing exercise, allowing me to offer visitors a glimpse into the heart of my work without overwhelming them. I hope you find the navigation simple, direct, & clear. This space is definitely a place where I get to sharpen my content to better serve.

Authenticity in vulnerability:

Building the website unearthed this gem even more- vulnerability! I realized that authenticity isn't just about showcasing expertise (I’m an expert at not being an expert ) but also about displaying the human side—the joys, the struggles, and the aspirations, and most definitely the humor. I chose to include snippets from my personal journey, embracing vulnerability to establish a deeper connection with those visiting the site. I want this space to be a place where I can also be myself, and hopefully that extends to you the same invitation. With that in mind, there is always more to explore!

Continuous Evolution:

Crafting a website isn't just a one-time task; it's a living energetic entity. This process instilled in me the importance of adaptation and evolution. Just like our individual paths of growth, the website should continuously evolve to cater to the changing needs and experiences of those it serves. I’m definitely looking forward for what’s to come beH.

The shadows:

Balancing Privacy and openness:

There’s a dance between transparency with vulnerability and respecting the privacy of my own home. It’s not a new dance though it most definitely is on this scale. To put myself out while also holding parts of me close. While I sought to be open, there were moments where the fear of overexposure crept in. I cherish a space where I can be myself and also am learning to hold that which is sacred as precious. To share the lessons of marriage (which marriage undoubtedly teaches) without sharing my marriage. I think I like the idea of sharing a lot without sharing everything. 🙂

Overthinking the Audience Impact:

The shadow of overthinking how my words and work might be perceived by the audience definitely surfaced. Striving for connection and understanding may have led to moments of concern about whether the message conveyed would resonate or possibly be misinterpreted. My wonderful people pleaser part crept in and instead of beating him back with a stick (as if that works) I needed to listen until there was more calm where it stood, perhaps that's why it took this long. Can I still express myself even when I don’t know if what I put out will land? Oy, mental gymnastics, my inner critic has a field day!

The Quest for Perfection:

As I delved into tweaking and probing each detail I encountered the shadow of perfectionism. It was almost humorous because how do I perfect something I have never done before? A website requires significant time and energy investment. I had to keep finding the balance between attending to existing commitments, personal life, and dedicating time to this space, AND wanting it to make sense. It's a journey to embrace the imperfect while striving for excellence—a delicate balance that continues to shape my approach. Perfect imperfection anyone?

Every step of a journey can be transformative. Each step allows a new form to emerge which gives the opportunity to give in a new way.  So this is a gift I am giving myself and to you.  

A special thank you to Yiddy, Motty, and my wife for holding me accountable to a higher vision for my self and for what Hashem has me here to do.

Warmest regards,


Moe Srour

Moe Srour is a dedicated personal growth coach and breathwork facilitator, passionately committed to empowering individuals on their journey of self-discovery and inner transformation. With a deep belief in the transformative power of self-awareness and authenticity, Moe guides clients through immersive workshops, coaching sessions, and breathwork practices designed to unlock their full potential. His approach combines introspection, emotional release, and mindfulness to help individuals rewrite their life stories, overcome personal limitations, and embrace a life of clarity, healing, and gratitude. Moe's work creates a supportive community for those seeking personal growth, self-improvement, and a deeper connection with their true selves.


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