Hineini, a revolutionary program by Moe that provides a safe deep dive into embracing and embodying your own answer to life’s many deep  questions. The 'Here I Am' within awakens and arouses your own inner potential allowing a journey to uncover  the depths of Your being - revealing what is already here.

Well done!

“Congratulations for making it this far! I’m Moe Srour, just your average human that happens to have a bunch of passion for this inner- work stuff. My life’s mission? To be more than yesterday and keep growing, always. So let’s get real, let’s laugh hard,  and let’s make maybe a bit more sense of what life could possibly mean.”

‘ the work

Workshops & Retreats

Hineini; Transformative Workshops with Moe. Unearth & embody your inner potential, shatter & transcend your limits, and join a community of growth seekers. Embrace the journey of the life you want, one you didn't even know you had.  Spend time with yourself and like-minded souls to give yourSelf back to  yourself. With joy, love, laughter and fun!


Ever felt stuck in the same old story? Let's rewrite it together! I'm here to help you ditch outdated beliefs and upgrade to a mindset that sparks positivity, openness, and gratitude. It's time to level up your game and create a reality you truly deserve. Let's start this exciting journey toward your better best self!


Dive into the mystery of Breathwork: Unravel your inner 'Hineini.' Embrace profound clarity, harness healing energies, awaken dormant wisdom, liberate from stress, and more! You’re always welcome to discover the inner secrets of your breath's power.

  • "A journey of healing; the greatest gift you can give your wife and children. Discover a magnificent world of light and colors with layers of love beauty and compassion in your spouse children and most importantly in yourself. "

  • "Hineini workshop takes you from tripping and spinning to the ground of reality."


  • "I found my heart, I uncovered love and compassion that I never new existed, and have begun last night and today the painful but critical and necessary process of reuniting my broken family thru recognizing that I AM OK. My pain and story are mine to own, no one is responsible for it, and I need to show up for them as a real man who is ok. When I do so, and keep my heart open -when I'm ok I can just let go and dont need to close- then G-d willing they will be ok as well."

  • "This workshop for me was the most transformative experience of my life! There's a realness and an authenticity that this workshop carries that leaves nothing up to the imagination and it let's you face the hard cold truth if you choose to. There is always the element of choice and grit that comes along with work like this and of coarse nobody can give you what you can't receive, but for a willing person with a searching soul there's the full space to work through anything and everything that's on your mind and on your heart with a pleasurable experience and a safe integrative process! And there's nothing like doing ALL THIS with other willing souls!! There's a connection and a brotherhood with your fellow humans that I will always carry with me! "

  • “Moe helped me navigate through difficult times by guiding me to focus on my inner self and find calmness. Moe is amazing! I highly recommend him for anyone looking for a breathwork facilitator. He's got a real talent for understanding people and getting to the root of their issues. Working with him was a game changer for me. I also found his "Vessel of Truth" program to be extremely helpful. It really helped me to gain a deeper understanding of myself.”


  • What I liked most was how he takes me again and again to the deepest places within. I gained tremendous growth in Ruchniyus and begashmiyus ! I got to know myself that I am powerful and I can accomplish whatever I want , and that I’m blaming others for my failures.”


  • "He helped me go so deep inside and Sometimes he’s too powerful for me and not personal. My biggest takeaway was to believe and fight for myself and The ability to see Beauty and love that I didn’t know existed”


  • “Moe is extremely present in a wonderful way. He listened and was there with me during the whole process. Over 6 years of workshops with Moe I gained a lot knowing about myself, learned how to listen to myself, learned how to care for myself, I learned how to love myself. What Can be better than that? Moe is really kind, present and safe with me doing check-ins and breathwork.”


  • My inner power started to come out, and started to face my inner child and its desires. Working with Moe has opened my desires and it worked up my power and connection to my spouse and children he helped me find my inner love and security that is in myself so it can now be giving over for others. His way of implementing guidance with such simple ways, is giving a big opportunity for people to grow with no complications.”


  • “It’s sweet deep and brutally honest and you actually get practical answers in your life. I gained the ability to be able to open up my heart more and feel And to identify my blocking patterns and shadows and and grow consciously And give my self permission. Working with moshe Chaim was a upgrade on life for me, heart opening, trauma cleansing, and choosing life and learning how to be present in the body and mainly letting my neshuma lead the way and serve hashem with joy.”


  • “Being straight forward on target, the syateh dishmayah how the work in the workshop worked out so perfectly to the benefit of the participants. I gained awareness, taking control in life, letting go from what's not necessary in my life, breakthrough, and much more! Working through all the different Inner Voices that lie within ourselves every second in our lives, really seeing it objectively in flying colors, so we can get a handle on it, and gain control on our lives!!!”


  • “Moe is a passionate and very well trained facilitator. His deep understanding of trauma and human development makes his healing work reach meaningful outcomes and huge success. I highly recommend all of Moe's healing work.”


  • “I valued his depth of focus and ability to hold the large group in safety which allowed for thorough release.I was able to both acknowledge long held traumatic imprints and to finally physically let them go. Moe’s group breathwork facilitation was incredible. I was able to access frozen emotions and long held holding patterns like never before. The energy that he held in the room was solid and the vibrationally sensitive verbal cues and music created the ideal set of circumstances for a safe yet powerful healing experience. I’m grateful to have been given this opportunity.”


  • “VOT Was also like downloading a new program. It helped me make sense and integrate so many forgotten parts of me. To becoming more whole and loving. Of all the programs/seminars I did VOT had a unique and deep impact on me and they way I understand and experience life and relationship. I’m forever thankful for this experience and for moshe cheim.”


  • "I felt a part of myself that I had no idea existed, I got in touch with a part of me that I've always looked for and never knew I had!"


  • "Moe srour is incredible. Besides everything else, He honors the sanctity of the space. One of the dangers in this space is when people are this open they can be taken advantage of. There can be unhealthy religious, psychological, or emotional manipulation or attachment. It unfortunately happens in the healing arena. I respect Moe's integrity, humility, lack of attachment, and letting go. It's a sign of a developed and healed person that can hold this in a healthy manner. I'm truly impressed and have great respect"


“Welcome to my journal, whatever that means ;) A space where I can leave some expression on life's many mysteries, share my 'aha' moments, and sprinkle a bit of wisdom with a dash of humor. Thanks in advance for listening.”

-Moe Srour
Aspiring Human

Mic Moments

In search of more ___ Hosted by Eli Nash Oct ‘23

Let’s be real _ Hosted by Motty Kenigsberg Feb’24

Let’s be real ___ Hosted by Motty Kenigsberg Dec ‘22

From a Man's Perspective: IVF, Grief, Mental Health and more! Jul '24

Tap into the power of you - let’s have a chat!