Vessel of Truth Course

Welcome to Vessel of Truth: An 8-Week Deep Dive into Your Inner World!

Vessel is a transformative journey crafted to guide you through the intricate realms of your inner landscape. In this space, you'll be gently encouraged and expertly guided to navigate your subconscious wiring, empowering your life experience from within.

Each week is a profound exploration featuring a full lecture, engaging homework, and purposeful meditations aimed at deepening and integrating your inner work. With reverence and a touch of humor, we'll unravel the ABC’s of inner self-work, equipping you with time-tested tools to awaken your own vitality.

Week 1

Embraces Self-Love

Week 2

Stands in Integrity

Week 3

Explores the Language of Emotions

Week 4

Braves Through Shadows

Week 5

Embodies the Self

Week 6

 Integrates and Heals Trauma

Week 7

Explores Manifestation

Week 8

Returns to an Orientation of Love

Bolts work on nuts; pens work on paper. But you must work on yourself. Go, get working!

This course serves as a call to action, inviting anyone eager to elevate their inner work to new heights. It's an opportunity to bring the teachings into your daily life, fostering practical application for profound personal growth and transformation. It brings new meaning to bringing the work home, at home.

This course is offered only once a year and has a life-long membership included in the enrollment fee.

Tap into the power of you - let’s have a chat!